Friday, April 27, 2012


The children spent time earlier this week learning about how clouds are made!  We charted what the children already know about clouds.  Here is what they know:

* There are different types of clouds: nimbus, stratus, cumulus and cirrus
* Different clouds bring different kinds of weather.
* If there are a lot of clouds, it can be darker outside.
* Nimbus clouds make rain.
* Thunderclouds can bring storms.
* Evaporation helps to make clouds.
* Water vapor goes up into the sky, which helps to form clouds.

Then, after looking at different cloud types, the children made models of the four basic cloud types: cumulus, stratus, cirrus and thunderclouds.

Our scientist were incredibly engaged during our simple walk outside and eager to look up in the sky to try to identify what types of clouds were present!  Our cloud photographers (Molly, Keira, Michael S and Grace) took these wonderful pictures of the clouds we spotted.  The kids observed the clouds in the sky and determined that they were cumulus clouds!  In recent days, several of the students have come up to me at recess to tell me what types of clouds are in the sky.  I think we have some future meteorologists in the group!




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