Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More Plant Parts!

After learning about leaves, the children learned about roots, fruit and seeds. We learned that the scientific definition of fruit is any part of the plant that contains seeds. We talked about how this is different from what we typically think of when we hear the word "fruit." We looked at many different types of fruit and dissected them to look for seeds. We then compared many of these seeds with seeds that we brought in from home. The students watched a short YouTube video on how seeds travel. They then sorted their seeds based upon how they predicted that they would travel from place to place. Finally, we placed both a lima bean seed and a corn seed in a warm moist environment to see what would happen!
To conclude our learning about plants, we dissected flowers to find the different parts of the plants that we have learned about. The students took pictures of their flowers and flower parts using a digital camera and the digital microscope. These are becoming very comfortable using both of these technologies to enhance their learning!
During the next few weeks, the students will be completing a performance assessment in the LMC to show what they have learned about plants and their parts.  They will use the pictures that they have taken with the digital camera and proscope to complete this project!  Check back often to see these projects!

Here are some of the pictures that the students took:
Our Flower!
Petals from our flower
Our Petal under the digital microscope
Leaves with digital camera
Pistil with Digital Camera
Pistil with Digital Microscope
Stamen with Digital Microscope
Stamen with Digital Camera
Stem with Digital Camera

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